domingo, 16 de junho de 2013

I know I am thirsty.

If I could describe life in one word, it'd be: ironic. No better word to describe it.
While living we feel the need to have so many things, so many comforts. We fear somethings may get taken away from us. We fear so much... We end up fearing life itself. and in the end, only in the end, the too-late-to-fix-wrongs-done, we realise that LIFE has been taken away from us, in fact, we pushed life away, we told ourselves life was a dangerous stranger we should be staying away from and we grew roots where it was most convenient and watched life pass us by.
Life... life, life, LIFE, OH, NO, LIFE, COME BACK!
Before it's too late, grab every chance. Fear will always be there, but life can slip away if you're not too careful. Life and people... But we'll get to that. Grab life first, don't grab it by it's horns, life is no bull nor devil, hug it, embrace it really, make it yours, it is yours.

p.s: I'm not a lunatic, happy, goofy person. I'm someone who wasted, wastes and will waste time and I need to remind myself of HOW STUPID IT IS TO BE AFRAID AND NOT TO LIVE!